I'm sitting here waiting for Glenda to come get me and thought I would post some of the pictures we took on our way here. We decided to go through Montana, my favorite place in the whole world, instead of going the same way we always go to get anywhere. We have had a lot of fun camping and seeing old places I have lived as well as new places we definitely want to go back to. Just to let you know, the pictures really don't do it justice. We have been traveling through some amazingly beautiful country! I thought I would post some anyway. I hope you can see the beauty in spite of our lack of camera's ability to take awesome pictures.
Couldn't get the pictures to download for some reason, so will try again later.
It's now 9/15 and I'm just getting back to posting. Here are pictures of our trip. We both really want to get back. We loved it up there. Especially around Drummond, where we attended church.
This is in Drummond, MT. We thought it was a funny sign, but a beautiful little town. We continued to drive up the road, forget what it is, admiring the quiet beauty all around. We headed west off the freeway to find a campground for the night and just relax. Bill got excited when we saw this ski resort off in the distance.
Here is the view from the church. It was so serene I just wanted to sit for awhile. I guess it was still green because it has rained every day this summer, very unusual, but makes for beautiful green fields.
Can you see all the condos and houses? There aren't even a fourth of what is now in Meadow Village and on the way to the Mountain Village. When I was there, there weren't any houses between the two.
At least this place is still there.
I'm going to start a new post with the rest of our Montana pictures. I'm tired of having to scroll down forever for every picture. Does anyone know how to make your pictures just pop right where the cursor is instead of all the way at the top and then adding tones of space between paragraphs? Would love to know if you don't mind sharing! Besides, forgot to add some of the Gallatin River, so will do that too.
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