Friday, October 10, 2008

I love my life

I have a great life! I live in a beautiful place, even if it does rain a little to much for me. I have a great husband who loves me, wonderful kids (3 boys), awesome daughters-in-law (2 for now) and the most beautiful granddaughter in the world. I have two sisters that are THE BEST, the most incredibly awesome nieces and nephews and wonderful friends that make me laugh until I either cry or wet my pants (my sisters have been known to cause this as well). I have 2 cats that love to sit on my lap, elk in my yard, a beautiful view of a pasture full of horses, a bear every now and then, chickens in the yard, a cow in the pasture, a flock of Canadian geese and a beautiful coast line close by. Who could ask for more, and yet, there is so much more that makes my life wonderful, which will probably be brought out in the future.

In spite of all of that, I live a pretty boring life. Pretty much the same day in and day out, not too much drama (though we haven't been totally exempt from drama). This is what makes it hard for me to imagine anyone wanting to read about my life. However, it looks so fun and I like to read about what all my friends are doing, so I thought I would give it a try. So, if you find yourself bored with my life, that's okay. I get it. Sometimes I am too. :) Nonetheless, I have a great life and I know it! I am grateful for that and try to express it every day of my life.

Because I am new at this, I have a lot to learn about how to even do it all. I only got this up and started because a great friend, Bethany, was patient as I sat next to her today and kept asking her to tweak this or that, over and over again. This was after she and I emailed back and forth more times that I want to admit. Did I mention she is incredibly patient with me? I promised her that I would learn to do it myself, though she will have to teach me. In the long run, I think it will be worth it to her. I hope! What a great gal she is.

So, here goes. Let's see if I can do this


Beth said...

Luell!! YEA!! So happy to have you in the blogging world :) Keep it up.. it's such a fun way to keep in touch!!

Patti said...

I'm so happy you are doing this! It's kind of addictive and I know you'll love it and we'll love seeing you and your family.

Paige said...

I am excited you are doing this. Your blog is supper cute. I wish I knew how to do all of this fun stuff. You will have to teach me. Did you start doing digital scrapbooking?

Cathy Lloyd said...

WAHOO! You'll enjoy blogging! Keep it up and we'll all stay in touch! I'm going to the copy store soon to make those copies you asked for...sorry but my life has been nuts! :) I haven't forgotten you! :)

Brooke said...

It looks great. I'm waiting for a lot of really awesome, inspiring posts as well as some that make ME wet my pants.

Libby said...

Hi Luell! I enjoy reading your beginning! How fun to see you blogging! I am a fan of yours!

LuckyMatt said...

Luell, you totally rock. Even if you think my perfectly happy goldfish are suffering in captivity. You'll be happy to know that I set half of them free.