Saturday, July 31, 2010

Which of These Girls?

Which of these girls.....

I didn't ask them to line up, seriously.

Isn't she just beautiful!

They always run to come visit when I come out.
Or these girls...

Gave us......
They're small, but they are the first ones.  Yeah!  Typically, Barred Rock Hens lay huge brown eggs, so I know they will get to be quite large.  Yum!  It is what I have been waiting for all summer long.  Guess what we're having for breakfast! 
I love chickens, love having them in my yard, love the sounds they make, I love how pretty they are, and friendly.  I just love everything about them.  Well, I don't like that they come on my deck and poop, but other than that, oh and that they get in my garden and flower beds and dust themselves, but it's a small price to pay.  Let's see.....10 hens, 10 free range chicken eggs a day, youza.  I hope some friends love good eggs! Actually, I have had quite a few people ask if I am going to be selling them, so shouldn't be a problem. 
Have I mentioned I love chickens!!!!